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This is naijmizuho.deviantart.com/ contest which can be found here Micronovel Adaptation Contest (Cancelled)BUT FRET NOT, THERE SHALL BE ANOTHER CONTEST TO REPLACE IT! O.O
So I think I have a chronic illness that compels me to host contests... Anyway, on with the juicy details!

After reading any, or all, of my micronovels, which include Mass Effect: Generations, the SOMR AU, and (eventually) Re: Impulse Chronicles, take a scene, chapter, or whatever and create an adaptation of it in another medium.
Don't speak as nerdy as me? Well in simpler terms, take a scene or chapter, and recreate it in something other than writing. For example, a drawing, comic, animation, voice acting snippet, or even a marble statue... don't expect me to reimburse you on the s

I decided to write the beginning of Team SOMR from Qrow's point of view. Not only because in Team SOMR he IS actually Summer's brother, but also I wanted to have a go at writing the way he might see things, and about the thoughts he perhaps never voiced.
So without further bother I hope this is enjoyed.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 1- The Exam (as told by Qrow)Chapter 1- The Exam (as told by Qrow)
I have finally done it.
After two failed attempts I have actually passed.
I should feel ecstatic, chipper or so freaking happy that even a heap of Grimm couldn’t ruin my moment because I was now a Hunter of Beacon academy.
I was being recognized for MY efforts, MY skill set and MY win and yet I didn’t feel anything really.
Oh I’m sure that somewhere inside me there’s a little Qrow wearing an over-sized hat as he bounces about singing along loudly to the new hit song Feather Burst.  
I get so pumped when it starts off, because it has a sweet rift, that then leads into lyrics that go like this,
“Soaring above the branches of my paths, going even higher as I brush off the past, there’s nothing left there for me anymore.
Gunna spread my wings, gunna rush on through, I’m ready to be that guy who flew straiiigghhtt onnnnnn by, I’m not gunna look back I’m not gunna cry, I’m gunna carry mysel

Chapter 2:

Chapter 2- Beacon - Team SOMR (as told by Qrow)Chapter 2- Beacon (as told by Qrow)
I wasn’t sure at first but now I’m quite sure and I can happily yell as loud as I want in my mind.  
What was I thinking climbing aboard this barely floating tin can!?  
Summer looked a bit concerned at me so I swallowed down the urge to vomit or fall over and said “You know, I’m starting to regret finally making it into Beacon…”  
I clung onto a hand rail tightly waiting for the dizziness to stop.  
Summer patted me on the back, “Third time’s the charm, right?”  
I couldn’t help chuckling, “I guess it’s my fault for being unable to stick with a weapon style until my last year at Signal…”  
I added with a big grin, “But then again, I make it look good.”  
That’s it Qrow think about the ground and pretend you’re on it and not hundreds of miles above it as that is such

Chapter 3:

Chapter 3- Iniation- (as told by Qrow)Chapter 3- Iniation (as told by Qrow)        
After a terrible night of practically no sleep I can admit that my perfect idea of taking note of every person that snores was a terrible one.
A, because I didn’t sleep much in the end and B, because I don’t actually know any of their names so if the roommates are being written down as a list I won’t be able to kick up a fuss until it’s too late.  
Unless I can room with Irving, who sleeps like a log, Summer, who sleep talks but I find that far funnier than snoring and somebody else quiet-ish.  
Raven maybe?...
Nooo hang on, her snores suck the paper off the walls, I’m not joking one time a sheet came off the wall.
On that note how does my sister put up with that racket during their sleepovers?  
It is something I will have to think more about later as I have to use what little energy I have left into getting through today.  
What to tackle first…  
Well I can&

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Stuff I draw

1 min read

So far I have next to none of my work on DA yet becuase I haven't scanned it on. I draw My own transformer characters (Which may eventaually branch out into the original characters in short comics) Naruto, dragons, my own people/animal creations and doodles that have potential I may use to stencil on my room walls or one day use a tattoo design... Who knows? :D Thnx 4 ur time ;) Peace out!
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Team SOMR beginnings as told by Qrow by XSpriteyX, journal

Stuff I draw by XSpriteyX, journal